Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Murphy's Law: Exploding Soda

I am a life long victim of Murphy's law.  If you don't know what Murphy's law is, I'll tell you.  It's the law that if anything can happen, it will.  I'm that person.

I've learned a lot through Murphy's law and one of the things that I've learned is that I don't have a lot of great ideas.  The second is that soda can and will explode.

I live on the third floor of an apartment building.  I'm also VERY, VERY lazy.  These two things don't work well together.  This means that if I go to the grocery store I aspire to be the one trip wonder.  I will do my best to carry every single bag up the stairs in one trip just to avoid another...I have no concern about the fact that it might make me dislocate both shoulders.

This Summer I thought I had come up with the greatest plan to avoid more than one trip.  I would leave anything in the car that didn't have to be refrigerated immediately and only come down to get that item when I needed it.  That meant that cat litter, toilet paper, and paper towels would always be available in my car, but I wouldn't have to make more than one trip up the stairs after shopping.

This was a great idea.  For the most part.

I'm a Diet Coke addict.  I drink Diet Coke like it's going out of style and should most likely go to weekly meetings.  I realized that it doesn't need to be refrigerated immediately so it should be good hanging out in my mobile storage unit.  Right?  Wrong!

I did not know that soda has a certain temperature at which it will explode.  If you didn't know this, now you do.

I go downstairs one day to get the boxes out of my car because I'm almost out.  There they are, all sitting patiently and waiting for me to take them into my home.

My plan was, of course, to pick up the two boxes, place them momentarily on the ground, close the car, and then carry them upstairs.

That's not how it happened, though.  

I put the boxes on the ground and then turned around to close the car. As I was in the process of closing the door, both cases simultaneously exploded.  Cans flew everywhere and I was showered in Diet Coke.  I stood there, for a moment, unable to say or do anything.  I was just dripping Diet Coke and trying to piece together what had happened.

One of my neighbors, who had witnessed the whole event, yelled to me to ask "How does that happen?" I just shrugged and accepted it as yet another example of Murphy's law in my life.

Just so you know...soda explodes when it reaches a certain heat.  It's valuable information.  Don't use your car as a soda storage facility or you too might end up wearing your favorite beverage.  

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